5 Foreshadowing Tips With Zootopia
Zootopia is a fantastic movie on several levels. Firstly, its brilliant way of addressing intersectionality and secondly, its foreshadowing, which is today's blog topic. Foreshadowing is a technique that sets up or prepares the readers for a reveal later on in the story. There may be spoilers , but hopefully you've already watched this epic movie and this is no problem. 1. Foreshadow early. Don't be a sloth when you foreshadow. Source: Giphy One of the most important aspects of foreshadowing is to do it ASAP. In Zootopia , the conflict is foreshadowed in the opening scene! Of course, you don't necessarily need to start this early because it might not work for your story like it works for Zootopia . What matters here is weave a clue to set up something in later scenes. In Neil Gaiman's Masterclass Article , he states: The closer to an event foreshadowing is placed, the less effective it usually is. In fact, foreshadowing immediately before an event...