Work With Me

Guest Post

I'd be ecstatic if you would like to submit a guest post! Please email me with:
  1. Your full name
  2. Your website or blog link
  3. Your reason for giving Lizorae a post
  4. A pdf of your post
  5. Optional: Questions or comments you may have.
I suggest your email's subject to be Guest Post [Your Name] so I can find it faster. If I accept your post, I will send you information on the date it will be posted as well as a link back to your website. Here are some tips to getting picked:
  • Has a clear title and the content directly relates to it
  • Has not been published before
  • You own the copyright
  • You are willing to revise
Do not email me for the sole reason of advertising yourself. By this, I mean I don't want you to send me an email with just your website or blog link, or with an unacceptable post.

Ask Questions

If you advise on a certain topic, email me (subject title should be Advice [Your Name]) with:
  1. Your full name
  2. Your question
  3. Any context information
  4. Whether you would be okay with Lizorae posting the question publicly on the blog, or whether you just want this to be privately answered.
  5. Optional: Any questions or comments you may have.
I will try to answer all of these. Unfortunately, some may be buried under a mountain of other emails and I'm unable to respond. If you don't receive a response within a month, resend the question. Be ye warned I'm not knowledgeable in every area and I will give you a negatory response. If I know any other good resources, I will link them to you.


If you want anything else, please email me with your request and I'll see if I am able to help you.

You can contact me through that button with the paper plane on the right of the screen.
