11 Lessons From John Flanagan's Books
I mentioned in last month's LFTM post that I've been reading John Flanagan's books. If you haven't heard of him, what are you doing? Get a life. (I'm kidding.) John Flanagan is an Australian author (*cough like me cough*) most famous for his series Ranger's Apprentice and Brotherband . If you haven't read them yet, go read them. If you have read them, Halt is the best and you won't change my mind. For today's post, it's a new format. Instead of picking one thing like I did with the Freja Peachtree trilogy or Zootopia and expanding on it, I'm gonna pick a bunch of things I've picked up and go over them briefly. If you like the first format better, let me know in the comments. But without further ado, here's eleven lessons from the world of John Flanagan . Read Part 2 here : 3 More Lessons From John Flanagan's Writings Bads 1. Swarthy bad guys. First up, in almost every time our gang of rangers/raider...