Do Books Really Need A Moral?
Yeah, yeah, we've all heard that we should add a moral to our stories to make it good. It's just so cheesy. And it's hard work. And opens you up to criticism. Who listens to it anyway? To that I say, all good points. I can watch something with absolutely no and here's the moral of the story, kids! and still like it. Let's be real, we all can. Is it really necessary to have a message? There may be some spoilers from the Ranger's Apprentice and Little Women series. During quarantine, I've been reading John Flanagan's books and the Little Women saga. Quick: comment your favourite characters. Either or all series! They're on completely opposite sides of the theme spectrum. Flanagan's books have almost no moral and Little Women borders preachy. I love both series, but is there a difference? Oh absolutely. The unconscious effect: A difference in treatment Action scenes are epic, especially when they use objects m...