4 Thoughts On Modern Entertainment
For the past two weeks, I haven't posted anything. I'm fine, life has just been a little hectic lately. But I'm back! I had a book planned for today's post, but I, being the smart person I am, returned it to the library thinking I would remember all the points I was going to make. Of course, I've forgotten all but one and procrastinated for so long the library is now closed. So instead of a normal LFTM post, here's a list of things I've noticed in a lot of modern entertainment. 1. On diversity. Considering entertainment from, say, Tolkien's time, diversity has improved by kilometres. All humans are beautiful in their own way. All humans have some kind of scar. Africans, Asians, Europeans, Americans, Australians. Males and females. What type of body we have. Stripped to our core, we're all the same. Previously, most, if not all, of the main cast would be white dudes with maybe a few females. Even the white cast seems to be strictly British o...