#WQT: Writing A Dynamic Series


Writing A Dynamic Series

  • Dynamic series have an overarching plot that interconnects with a book's individual plot.
  • Overarching plots may take the back seat in early books, but should be prominent toward the end.
  • Individual plots are the stepping stones leading up to the overarching plot.
  • Overarching plots raise questions, individual plots answer them.

Updated Version


Writing A Dynamic Series

  • The overarching plot interconnects with individual plots.
  • At the start of the story, the overarching plot can take the backseat. By the end of the story, the overarching plot should be prominent,
  • Individual plots are stepping stones to the finale of the overarching plot.
  • Overarching plots raise questions, individual plots answer them.

Find the full post here: https://lizorae.blogspot.com/2020/01/writing-dynamic-series-freja-peachtree.html
