1 YEAR BLOGIVERSARY! How Blogging Changed My Life (cheesy, I know) + A Year In Review

Hey authors! Today is a special day. You know why? It's Lizorae's first birthday! That's right. You heard me. Lizorae is one years old. *throws confetti*

To celebrate, here's how blogging made me a better human organism and a yearly roundup. 

Let's get to!

HOW BLOGGING FLIPPED MY LIFE - First blogiversary!

Lizorae's Journey 

When I started blogging, I was a weak writer. You can see my first post here. It's awful. I cringe to think about it. Compare this to last week's post. Firstly, my latest post is longer. I'm usually not one to add fluff to my writing, so I know they are facts. (I hope. Please tell me what you think!)

But writing more isn't the only thing. I'm writing over 1000 words in the same time it used to take me to write around 500. That's double the amount. My typing speed has stayed the same. What's different is how fast and how well I get into the zone. While I have long ways to go, it's an improvement that has made a world of difference outside blogging. 

I can come up with a lot of points for my blog post. Whether I remember them or not is another question. That's totally my own fault for not being organised. :p 

But I struggle explaining things beyond one or two sentences. What I'm even worse at is giving examples. Again, I may be able to think of one during the mental brainstorming session, but I forget it by the time I actually write the thing. (That's also my fault.) Apparently, this is common among INFJ's, so I'm not alone, lol!

Over the year, I've been trying to improve in these two areas. I feel that my explanations have become meatier. At the least, it's more than a paragraph. Not the best, but better. You, my dear readers, are ultimately the judge of that, so leave a comment below if you have anything to say!

As for giving examples, it just didn't click until last week. A long time, I know. But hey, better late than never! In that post, I gave examples for 75% of my points. Granted, it's only three out of four points, but it's better than my average of 0%. 

I know I'll still struggle with explaining and giving examples. I know I'll struggle with so many other things that aren't coming to mind right now. But what's important is that I'm trying. With time, I'll improve. 

Practice makes progress, mates. Never forget that.


Blogging Tips - Using Pinterest

One thing that has been a huge part in Lizorae's growth is Pinterest. Learning how it works has been a steep learning curve. There's a number of blogs and YouTubers I've come to love because of their Pinterest and blogging tips, so thanks you guys!

I'm still learning and trying new strategies, so I am no expert. But there's a few tips I can give. No explanations because I don't know enough yet. This is entirely out of my niche, so here goes!

  • Have an eye catching design that fits in with your branding. The latest recommended pin size is 1000x1500 pixels. Honestly, I am so bad at this. You can scroll through my Pinterest profile and see it for yourself. xD
    Side note: I'm thinking of changing my pin design. Again. I know.
  • Use SEO. Search engine optimisation. Basically, cram those keywords while still sounding natural. 
  • Have at least one board for your pins only. Have more boards for your pins and other people's pins. Use the sections to categorise your pins. 
  • Make sure the boards are related to your niche. If you have pins outside your niche, you can make a secret board only seen to you!
  • Name the boards using keywords. 
  • Fill any descriptions area with keywords.
  • Pin regularly to all your boards. Yes, including your secret boards. If a board isn't active anymore, you can archive it. You can unarchive it later, no worries! For the longest time, I had an inactive secret board. I found out about archiving three days ago from the time I'm writing this.
  • Have a clean profile. It should include a photo of your smiling face, preferably. Is my profile picture my face? Nope. So I guess you should take that advice with a grain of salt. Make sure you link back to your blog and social accounts! Your descriptions can be about anything, but it should relate to what you do.
  • Keep updated to the latest Pinterest tips and new algorithm. I'm assuming you should leave that to content creators who know what they're doing and steal learn from them. I have to admit I've been slacking on this! 

See? This is more or less how I used to write my posts. How far I have improved! :o

Yearly Review

Top 10 Posts Of 2020

  1. 3 Secrets To HEARTBREAKING SCENES - This post is getting an update very soon. Subscribe via email in the left sidebar to get it as soon as it's posted!  
  2. 5 FORESHADOWING Tips With Zootopia - also check out this post
  3. Writing A DYNAMIC SERIES With The Freja Peachtree Trilogy - also check out this post
  4. Disney + Virus + Author = Disney Quarantine Writing Parody
  5. When To Use PERFECTIONISM In Writing
  6. How To COLLABORATE With Other Authors
  7. The Basics Of CHARACTER ARCS
  8. 2 STORYTELLING SECRETS From Kingdom Hearts
  9. Should You KILL YOUR BAE? (Murder Your Darlings)
  10. 12 Quotes To Nurture Your AUTHOR MINDSET Part 1 - Get Part 2 here

To all my readers, thank you. Thank you for supporting me throughout Lizorae's first year. Thank you for simply reading my little ramblings. Thank you for sticking with me. Merry Christmas!

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(And eat chocolate)
